(Santa Cruz
your mountains
crumbling into the sea
your green Pacific
of a blonde I met here once
rode off on the back of a bike
clutching the ribs of an Australian
hurricane blow-out, up from Mexico
wind rip-snapping my tent
Brian to me: you should dig a trench around your tent
it's gonna rain like a mama
Brian got up to cook breakfast
two feet into boots
one found a scorpion
clouds hurtle up over us
criss-cross in layers
billows of rising heat
we can't see it
but we feel that great eye rotating
circle and fringe
all night mountain thunder crash, like cannon
flash lightning flicker-images of friends n' mountains
bottle of Jack Daniels' back n' forth
round the front porch of the yurt
big bill on his feet circling: come on! I'll wrestle ya!
stumble to bed
in morning sun
tent dry as dust
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